Cardio Exercises

For Cardio exercise, you can do whatever activity that you prefer, such as running or biking. The important thing is to be able to do the activity for the required duration, and to reach the targeted heart rate zone. Your heart rate zones are based on the day’s assessment, and for example when the audio guidance tells you to do Cardio for 20 minutes in “zone 3”, this means that your heart rate should be approximately between 137 and 152 beats per minute. This is just an example, the zone limits are specific and individual for each person. You can see your heart rate always on the screen while doing the activity.

Walking Shallow Lunges

  1. Find a space that allows you to perform a comfortable number of lunges (3-5 repetitions) in a row before you turn around.
  2. Perform a lunge to a depth that is easy to perform, your thigh should stop well above your knee (3-6 inches).
  3. Continue the lunges in the available space for the suggested duration.