Are you ready to take control?

The Fertility Concierge (TFC) is an easy to use app that will help you understand the stressors in your life and take control of your decision making to improve your health.

The Fertility Concierge App by OTO:

  • Measures the impact of stress on your body.
  • Identifies your level of Stress Resilience daily.
  • Coaches you with an Adaptive Activity Plan, for your activity, recovery, and relaxation. Our scientific, principle-based approach to building human health and function is to build overall wellness which is quantified by our Stress Resilience Index. Healthy people without exception show adaptations that are quantifiable on the OTO system.

About Stress Resilence

Stress Resilience is your ability to adapt to and recover from the stressors in your life. Like a skill that can be trained with many repetitions to coordinate your muscles and brain, the functional systems in your body (the central nervous system, cardiac system, hormonal system and musculoskeletal system) can also become more efficient as an integrated system to be more Stress Resilient, if they are loaded and allowed to recover and adapt to a higher level of tolerance for stress.

The Fertility Concierge is a daily assessment tool that quantifies your physical and mental responses to the stressors in your life. And because you cannot typically control or avoid the stressors in your life, we turn to the practice of building your wellness and Stress Resilience.

Learning the Plan

It may take a few times through each day of the plan for you to build the necessary strength and endurance to complete the desired number of repetitions and sets. This is normal in the process of adapting to a new activity.

The App will help you determine your workload based on your Stress Resilience level. If your body is “ready” to go you will get recommendations to train in your optimal range. If you aren’t ready, it’s likely you will be asked to do less work.

Your Stress Resilience may be very different the next day. A little bit of the right kind of work each day is all you need to start building your Stress Resilience.